Thursday 18 July 2013

Vintage designer items now in stock!

Sometimes, when I open a bag and pull out amazing things I think to myself "Why would you give this away?!". Definitely had that feeling today!

It is fantastic when we get these donations. What a great thing to do for Trinity Hospice. So this is how today went....
Few bags of stuff donated, nothing out of the ordinary in them, just lovely tops and skirts and dresses and books etc.
Then about 4pm an elderly couple came in.
They explained that
Trinity Hospice had looked after a friend of theirs and so when they had a clear out that couldn't think of anything better then to donated the garments to us. 4 bin bags later and I am gasping at everything I pull out of the bags.

It is a who's who of fashion designers.

Chanel, Dior, Givenchy and Bill Gibb.

*Squeeee* (Yes we are rather excited about these, in case you hadn't noticed!)

Obviously we shall share the items with you when we can - As soon as possible. Promise.
Time to get our friends in the know on the valuing job....

Bye for now

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