Tuesday 14 May 2013

"Without Music, Life would be a mistake"

Well, that's what Friedrich Nietzsche tells us in Twilight of the Idols.
Not that we want to get too highbrow here (yes we totally googled for that quote. Who has read Nietzsche,...really?), but he does have a point.
Music is everywhere now and we want some!

We are in desperate need of CDs and interesting records (please not Perry Como or Blah does Blah in the style of Blah. Not that there is anything wrong with them, but we have plenty already. Alan Smith plays Showtunes with Bagpipes, anyone?)

So, in the words of AC/DC, For those about to rock, we salute you (but please share the love and bring in some music to our shop!)

All genres welcome, but please no scratched ones, or cheeky homemade ones*

*yes believe it or not, they do get donated and it costs us to dispose of them so please don't do it.

Bye for now

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