Wednesday 22 May 2013

Showing off

Just a post to show off how the shop looks! Admire Brook Green!
(and to show off the new display cabinet....if only I could work out how to put the doors on. Should be so easy but....)

New items go out everyday so it is always changing, but we always try to keep it tidy!

Making sure old stock gets sold or sent to other shops after 2 weeks on sale, so we can fill up with lovely new stock is a constant job, but without doing it we wouldn't get the lovely regular customers we have. Who wants to come into a shop and see the same things every time?! With donations coming in everyday (Thank you so much!) we don't have the space to hoard it away, so out it goes for sale.


(Disclaimer - These photos have been taken either aaaaaaaaaages ago or within a few days of each other, so you might see a few 'repeat' items)


Check out the new cabinet! Horrah! It fits somewhere! Totally worth the hours and hours of moving.
All Change blog....

Bye for now

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