Tuesday 11 June 2013

Meet the Volunteers - Joshua

Another day, another blog, and another lovely Brook Green volunteer to tell about.

Joshua was the first male volunteer in Brook Green and so in his interview we made him assemble things and reach stuff.... I do jest, but in fairness, Joshua can reach things I can't!

Joshua came to us to fill his time for half a day, and a year and a bit later we now have him here 2 days a week. Monday afternoons and Tuesday afternoons.
His drink of choice is a strong coffee, 2 sugars, which he will drink while boiling! Still can't get over that. Iron gullet!

His favourite job is sweeping the floor. Oh how he hates me when I hand him the broom, but to his credit he does it and then demands a coffee. Deal done.

He is very camera shy, so you will just have to pop in to see what he looks like. You will find him at the till, taking all the money as he is one of my top sellers. But he also does sorting and tagging, and any job which I send his way. Plus he loves a bit of rock music so I know when Joshua is in charge of the CD player as this is waffting out of it....

(plus Queen are my favourite band, so bonus points all round!)


If you wish to volunteer at Brook Green or any of Trinity Hospice shops (Locations here) get in touch by emailing Anna Alcock retailvolunteers@trinityhospice.org.uk or phoning her on 020 7787 1000

Bye for now

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