Thursday 6 February 2014

Mirror, Mirror...

...blah blah is my face the best of all?!
Well this one may not talk back and be slightly evil, but it is a mirror all the same.

A vanity mirror (or in 'normal' terms, a hand mirror), which is old and fab and silver.

Lovely old mirror (and it is gift aided!) LOVE IT
S.B and S is the hallmark here, and from our research it is S. Blanckensee & Son.
Founded in Brisol in 1826 by Solomon Blanckensee. They moved to Birmingham soon after. Solomon's son Aaron joined the firm in 1865, and took over when his father retired in 1874.

The hallmark also tells us that this mirror was made up Birmingham way in 1923.

The hand mirror has been dropped (or thrown..?!) as there is a dent in it. But I think it makes it more interesting.
So this 90 year old mirror could be yours for £35.

And as much as the Disney Wicked Queen was evil, she did look blooming amazing in her purple robes...

Bye for now

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