Thursday 10 October 2013


Back from Holiday mode and with lots of goodies for you to be introduced to!
Sometimes we moan about the internet stopping people using their brains and looking in books, but today we at Brook Green were grateful for Google!
This donation kept us confused for the whole day and lead to this google search
"Strange wood/string sculpture possible instrument". However it somehow worked and we can now tell you that this awesome donation is a Berimbau!

A Berimbau is a muscial bow from Brazil, consisting of a large wooden bow with a single metal string. It is thought to have evolved from a one-stringed instrument brought to Brazil from Angola in the 19th century. It is used primarily to accompany the martial art known as capoeira.

It is not complete as looking at pictures and videos and suchlike online, we are missing the "Baqueta: Small stick struck against the arame to produce the sound.", the "Caxixí: Small rattle that optionally accompanies the baqueta in the same hand.", and the "Pedra or Dobrão: Small stone or coin pressed against the arame to change the tone of the berimbau."
(Quotes from Wikipedia)

Ours is for sale at £22
and is 60 inches (150cms) tall.

Sweet martial art music, so of course we have a sample for you!

Who says we don't educate you here in our shop!?

Bye for now

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